Mitchell Jeffrey

Magnets & Electricity

We start with a disarmingly simple demonstration of how electricity and magnets might be connected. This usually surprises people and gets them asking more questions (always a good thing!). We then unfold a conceptual narrative that touches on electromagnets (a kind of magnet you can turn on and off), dump trucks and shake or dynamo torches, which can set up discussions on how we make electricity, or use it to power any manner of things with the electric motor.

Depending on the audience, we can work in discussions about the strength of forces (eg. magnets vs gravity); draw parallels to debugging computer code by "pausing time" with experimental equipment; and let audiences a chance to predict similar situations using what they've just learned.

I've found that my electricity and magnets story opens people up to seeing the world differently, and could be used to establish rapport ahead of heavier discussions such as the effect of wind turbines in our communities.

Highly adaptable

I've tweaked this content and presented it in a number of formats:

Copyright © Mitchell Jeffrey 2024